
Reagent V.S. Saval Dreamkeepers OC Brawl

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Literature Text

  The bamboo wind chimes of the Kojiki district clattered softly as an unusually strong wind flowed through the deserted alleyways. The air was bright and crisp, cherry blossom leaves danced through the wind, tracing out elaborate loops and swirls like graceful songbirds.

  Gravel ground softly underfoot as Reagent stepped slowly into the district square, pushing springer rounds into his revolver cylinder with his thumb. He never took his eyes from the hunched figure that stood, almost motionless, at the opposite end of the square. The stranger did not lift his head as Marshall stopped, clicking the cylinder closed and sliding the weapon into its holster.
“Wow… I uh… I was expecting someone a bit…” Reagent made a pinching gesture “taller…”

  The only response was the sound of Kojiki paper lantern’s fluttering in the wind. Somewhere far away, a bell chimed the twelfth hour.

  “Well… if that’s how you wanna play it, Mr. No-Social-Skills.” Reagent’s paw flung to his holster, the chrome revolver flashing like lightning as three shots rang out across the empty square.

  Three crumpled springs tumbled to the dirt, their path halted by a translucent purple shield which had manifested before the opened hand of the stranger. He had cast aside his cloak, revealing his iridescent gem-encrusted armor, a sinister horned face, and in his other hand, an open book.
“Of all the… oh for Spirit’s Sake! That’s cheating!” Reagent spat. He leveled his revolver for another shot but before he could take aim the stranger had cast aside the shield, Inky black arrows manifesting at his command and flying towards Reagent.

  The projectiles thudded into the gravel as the cat scampered for cover. Swearing under his breath, he ducked behind a gong .

  “Over 40 different contestants and I get stuck with the grunge band!” The gong crashed violently, making Reagent cover his ringing ears as the stranger had swapped his arrows for a conjured springer canon. A throbbing pain filled Reagent’s head as he tried to clear the ringing from his eardrums when, as suddenly it had begun, it begun to subside. In fact, all over his body, Reagent could feel his muscles relaxing as a strange feeling of numbness and clarity passed through him. Opening his eyes, he could see, quite clearly, a green halo floating overhead. His ear twitches as he heard a break in the gunfire, the sound of the stranger pausing to conjure more ammunition.

  “ENOUGH WITH THE FREAKIN’ MAGIC ALREADY!” Reagent sprang from cover, and with a bizarrely serene accuracy, leveled his sights on the spellbook. Almost in slow motion, Reagent could see the bullet tear through the pages, another spring blasting it from the stranger’s hand as the book emitted an unearthly groan. Marshall could see the conjured weapons dissipating, the glowing purple outline of the summoned springer shimmering as it evaporated into black smoke.  The last round left Reagent’s cartridge, striking the stranger squarely in the middle of his enchanted breastplate, leaving a large dent and sending the stranger reeling.

  Reagent felt as if he was floating as he leapt over the gong, making a beeline for the stranger and, drawing his right arm back, decked him clean in the muzzle.

  The stranger’s feet left the ground, his body seeming to fall in slow motion as it bounced back down into the gravel, leaving a long line of drag marks before he rolled to a stop, groaning. Reagent walked up to the stranger, nudging him onto his back before planting his boot on the dented breastplate and leaning in close.

“Best two out of three?”
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